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California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA)

All Licensed Contractors are Invited to Register on the Wright Elementary District Bidders List

Notice is hereby given that the Wright Elementary School District (District) has elected to participate in the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting ACT (CUPCCAA). Public projects, as defined by this Act and in accordance with the limits listed in Section 22032 of the Public Contract Code, will be let to contract by informal procedures as set forth in Sections 22032-22045 of the Public Contract Code. All licensed contractors are invited to submit the name of their firm to the District for inclusion in the District's list of qualified bidders for the current calendar year, or if submitted after September 1st, for both the current year and the subsequent year.

Interested contractors are required to complete and submit the requested information on the District Contractor Registration Form.  

Contractors must submit the requested information on the District’s required form. The form will include, but not be limited to:

  • The name and complete address, including the zip code to which a Notice to Contractors can be mailed.
  • The telephone and email address at which the Contractor may be reached.
  • The class of the Contractor's License(s) held, Contractor License Number(s), and Contractor License expiration date.
  • The type(s) of work in which the Contractor is interested and currently licensed to perform, such as Class A – General Engineering, Class B – General Building, and Class C – Limited

This announcement is sent to various trade journals for publication as a requirement of the CUPCCAA to establish and maintain a list of qualified contractors per the applicable sections of the Public Contract Code. This invitation is subject to any and all applicable laws, regulations, and standards.

CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act

The Wright Elementary School District (District) has elected to become subject to participate in the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA). The District is inviting all licensed contractors to submit information for inclusion on the District's list of qualified bidders for the 2025 calendar year.

What is CUPCCAA? The California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission is under the umbrella of the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA) and provide for alternative bidding procedures when an agency performs public project work by contract.

  1. Public projects of $60,000 ($75,000 as of Jan 1, 2025) or less may be performed by district employees by force account, negotiated contract or by purchase order (PCC22032).
  2. Contracts for public projects of $200,000 ($220,000 as of Jan 1, 2025) or less may be awarded through the following informal procedures: (PCC22032, 22034, 22038):
    1. The Superintendent or designee shall prepare a notice inviting informal bids which describes the project in general terms, explains how to obtain more information about the project, and states the time and place for submission of bids. This notice shall be disseminated by mail, fax, or email to either or both of the following:
      • All contractors on a list of qualified contractors maintained by the district for the category of work being bid, unless the product or service is proprietary, at least 10 calendar days before bids are due; and/or
      • (2) All construction trade journals identified pursuant to PCC22036
    2. The district shall review the informal bids and award the contract, except that:
      • (1) If all bids received through the informal process are in excess of $200,000 ($220,000 as of Jan 1, 2025), the contract may be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, provided that the Governing Board adopts a resolution with a four-fifths vote to award the contract at $215,500 ($235,000 as of Jan 1, 2025) or less and the Board determines the District's cost estimate is reasonable.
      • (2) If no bids are received through the informal bid procedure, the project may be performed by district employees by force account or negotiated contract.
  3. Public projects of more than $200,000 ($220,000 as of Jan 1, 2025) shall, except as otherwise provided by law, be subject to formal bidding procedures, as follows: (PCC22032, 22037, 22038)
    1. Notice inviting formal bids shall state the time and place for receiving and opening sealed bids and distinctly describe the project. The notice shall be disseminated in both of the following ways:
      • (1) Through publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the district's jurisdiction or, if there is no such newspaper, then by posting the notice in at least three places designated by the district as places for posting its notices. Such notice shall be published at least 14 calendar days before the date that bids will be opened.
      • (2) By mail and electronically, if available, by either fax or email, to all construction trade journals identified pursuant to Public Contract Code 22036.  Such notice shall be sent at least 15 calendar days before the date that bids will be opened. In addition to the notice required above, the district may give such other notice as it deems proper.
    2. The district shall award the contract as follows:
      • (1) The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. If two or more bids are the same and the lowest, the district may accept the one it chooses.
      • (2) At its discretion, the district may reject all bids presented and declare that the project can be more economically performed by district employees, provided that the district notifies an apparent low bidder, in writing, of the district's intention to reject the bid. Such notice shall be mailed at least two business days prior to the hearing at which the district intends to reject the bid.
      • (3) If no bids are received through the formal bid procedure, the project may be performed by district employees by force account or negotiated contract.

>>In November of each year, participating districts place an ad in various construction trade journals inviting all licensed contractors to submit the name of their firm to the district for inclusion on the district's list of qualified bidders for the following calendar year.

>>The Wright Elementary School District has completed all the necessary requirements to participate in this alternative bidding process and solicits your firm to register.

>>The Wright Elementary School District may create a new contractors list effective January 1st of each year and may include any contractor's name it desires on the list, but must include, at minimum, all contractors who have properly provided the District with the required information.