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Student Transfer Process (English)

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Wright Elementary School District Student Transfer Process 

Inter-district Transfer Request (entering Wright ESD)

INTER-DISTRICT TRANSFER FORM in English or el formulario en español 

  • Parents/guardians of students who reside within the geographic boundaries of one district may, for a variety of reasons, desire to enroll their child in a school in another district.
  • The Board may enter into an agreement with any other school district for the Inter-district attendance of students who are residents of other districts. (Ed. Code 46600; BP/AR 5117: Interdistrict Attendance)
  • The agreement shall specify the terms and conditions under which inter-district attendance shall be permitted or denied. It also may contain standards agreed to by both districts for reapplication and/or revocation of the student's permit. (Education Code 46600)
  • Upon receiving a permit for transfer into the district that has been approved by the student's district of residence, or upon receiving a written request from the parent/guardian of a district student who wishes to enroll in another district, the Superintendent or designee shall review the request and may approve or deny the permit subject to the terms and conditions of the Inter-district Attendance Agreement.
  • The Inter-district Transfer form is to be used if a parent/guardian wants his/her child to go to a school outside their HOME district. You can look up your district of residence here
  • The parent completes the Inter-district Transfer form and returns it to the school office or the Wright Elementary School District (WESD) District office (4385 Price Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA) or email to for approval and/or denial.
  • The Superintendent checks with the school principal to see if there is space in the requested grade level. If space is available, the Superintendent approves the Inter-district Transfer form, and parents/guardians are notified.
  • The WESD District Office will mail to parents/guardians: 1) a letter to the parent(s) confirming approval of the Inter-district Transfer request; 2) a copy of the approved Inter-district Transfer form; and 3) a Behavior Contract that needs to be signed/dated by the parent and the student and returned to the school office where you child will be enrolling.
  • The school office is sent a copy of the approved Inter-district Transfer form. Once the school office receives a copy of the approved Inter-district Transfer form, parents can then go into the school office to enroll their child. 

Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5117: Inter-district Transfers

Intra-district Transfer Request (transfer within Wright ESD)


  • The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures for the selection and transfer of students among district schools in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation.
    (BP 5116.1)
  • The parents/guardians of any student who resides within district boundaries may apply to enroll their child in any district school, regardless of the location of residence within the district.
    (Education Code 35160.5)
  • The Intra-district Transfer form is to be used if a parent/guardian who resides within the District attendance boundaries wants to enroll their child in another district school (home school boundaries for WESD are based on your street address). (WESD School Boundary List by Street Address)
  • The Intra-district process starts at the WESD District Office. Parent completes the Intra-district Transfer form and submits it to the Wright Elementary School District Office, 4385 Price Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA, or email to
  • Superintendent checks with the principal of the WESD school of desired attendance as per the availability of classroom space for that particular grade level. Superintendent approves the Intra-district Transfer form and parents are notified via mail.
  • TIMELINE FOR FINAL DECISION NOTIFICATION FOR CURRENT YEAR REQUEST: Superintendent has 30 days from the date of receipt to notify parents if their child(rens) requests have been approved or denied for the current year request.
  • TIMELINE FOR FINAL DECISION NOTIFICATION FOR FUTURE YEAR REQUEST: Incoming transfer requests for future years will be date stamped upon arrival at the WESD District Office and placed in a folder until the commencement of the future school year’s enrollment period begins in January. Incoming transfer applications will be prioritized by the date received. Priority for acceptance is as follows:
  1. Siblings of current/actively enrolled students
  2. Children of District Employees
  3. Employment-related Transfers
  4. Intra-district Transfers
  5. Inter-district Transfers
  • If approved, the District Office will send a letter to the parent(s) confirming: 1) approval of the Intra-district Transfer request; 2) a copy of the approved Intra-district Transfer form; and 3) a WESD Behavior Contract that needs to be signed/dated by the parent and the student and returned to the school office.
  • School office is sent a copy of the approved Intra-district Transfer form. Once the school site receives a copy of the approved Intra-district Transfer form, parents can then go into the school office to register their child. 
  • When parents go to the school office to register their child, they need to bring three documents:
    1) child’s original birth certificate; 2) immunization record; and 3) two (2) forms of proof of residence.
  • Once the request is approved, you do not need to reapply; however, the district has the right to rescind it due to poor attendance, tardiness, etc.
  • WESD does not require renewal each year; however, students may attend contingent upon continued space available in the school of desired attendance and intra-district students may be displaced by students residing within the established boundaries of this school.

Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5116.1: Intradistrict Open Enrollment

Employment-related Transfer Request (parent employed within Wright ESD boundaries) 


The Employment-related Transfer form is to be used if a parent/guardian wants his/her child to attend the school district in which the parent/guardian is physically employed. A student admitted to a school district under this law shall be deemed to have complied with the residency requirements for school attendance in that district.

  • District residency status may be granted to a student if at least one of his/her parents/guardians is physically employed within district boundaries for a minimum of 10 hours during the school week.
  • Once a student establishes residency on this basis, he/she shall not be required to reapply for enrollment in subsequent years. The student may continue to attend school in the district through the highest grade level offered by the district if the parent/guardian so chooses and if at least one parent/guardian of the student continues to be physically employed by an employer situated within district boundaries, subject to the exceptions in items #1-3 above. (Education Code 48204)
  • No student seeking residency on this basis shall be denied enrollment based on race, ethnicity, sex, parental income, scholastic achievement, or any of the individual characteristics set forth in Education Code 220. However, the Superintendent or designee may deny enrollment into the district if any of the following circumstances is present: (Education Code 48204)
  1. The additional cost of educating the student would exceed the amount of additional state aid received as a result of the transfer;
  2. Enrollment of the student would adversely affect the district's court-ordered or voluntary desegregation plan as determined by the Governing Board; and
  3. Other circumstances exist that are not arbitrary.
  • Parent/Guardian completes the Employment-related Transfer form and returns the form to School District of parent/guardian employment.
  • Parents/guardians need to attach VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT to the Employment-related Transfer form. The most common means of verification is a letter from your employer or a paycheck stub.
  • School District of Employment completes Part B of the form and forwards all copies to the School District of Residence.
  • School District of Residence completes Part C of the form, notifies parents/guardians, and distributes copies of the fully executed transfer form to parent/guardian and the District of Employment.

Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5111.1 District Residency

Conditions Under Which WESD may Approve or Deny Intra- or Inter-district Requests

  • Superintendent or designee shall calculate each school’s capacity in a nonarbitrary manner using student enrollment and available space. (Ed. Code. §35160.5)
  • Except for priorities listed above, the Superintendent or designee shall use a random, unbiased selection process to determine who shall be admitted whenever the school receives admission requests that are in excess of the school’s capacity. (Ed. Code. §35160.5)
  • Enrollment decisions shall not be based on a student’s academic or athletic performance, except that existing entrance criteria for specialized schools or programs may be used provided that the criteria are uniformly applied to all applicants.

Conditions Under Which an Existing Intra- or Inter-district Transfer may be Revoked or Rescinded by WESD

  • A student's Intra- or Inter-district Agreement may be denied or revoked for noncompliance with the academic, behavior, and/or attendance policy requirements of the district. Additionally, the Intra- or Inter-district Agreement may be denied or revoked should any student’s grade level or special program be deemed impacted by the district.
  • Students may be subject to displacement due to excessive program and/or grade level enrollment. Should this occur, the last student placed shall return to his/her attendance area.
  • Students are expected to:
  • Arrive at school on time, and be picked up after school on time
  • Be prepared and ready to work
  • Perform as near to their level of academic ability as possible
  • Become aware and follow all school rules, policies, etc.
  • Conduct themselves in a manner that allows other students to learn and teachers to teach
  • Demonstrate respect for other students and adults
  • Respond in an appropriate manner when faced with a difficult situation and/or when being corrected
  • Work cooperatively with the teacher and school personnel
  • Maintain good attendance (Board Policy 5113)

Both parent and student understand that disregarding one or more of the above rules may lead to revocation of the Intra- or Inter-district Agreement at any time. Should the student become eligible for a program that is overcrowded or potentially impacted, they will be referred to their home district for service.

Reapply for New Inter-district Transfer Application after Five (5) Years (for “continuing” students attending Robert L. Stevens or J.X. Wilson School)

Students with a current, approved, Inter-district application do not need to reapply each year. Approved Inter-district Attendance Requests are good for five (5) years. After five (5) years, you must reapply for a “Continuing” Inter-district Transfer request (go to your HOME District of Residence first to complete a new Inter-district Transfer form).

Denial of an Inter-district Transfer Request for WESD District of Residence Students and Application for Intra-district Transfer into Another WESD School

  • If WESD is your child’s District of Residence and we deny your child’s Intra-district Transfer Request due to class size over capacity or if the special programs are impacted at the relevant grade level, we are required by law to place your child in one of our other two District schools. We will call you to let you know the name of the school that has room to enroll your child. Parent/guardian will need to come into the District Office to fill out an Intra-district Attendance Request form and to reflect the name of the District school where your child will be attending (please also bring in two forms of proof of residency to verify your home address). We will also mail you a copy of the fully executed, approved Intra-district transfer form. 
  • School office is sent a copy of the approved Intra-district Transfer form.
  • District Office maintains the original Intra-district Transfer Request form.
  • Failure of the parent/guardian to meet any timelines established by the school district shall be deemed an abandonment of the request.

Inter-district Attendance Appeal Request Form (English Appeal Form)

  • If the Inter-district Attendance Permit you submitted for your child to attend school in the Wright Elementary School District has been denied, as stated in Administrative Regulation 5117, you may file an appeal with the WESD District Office.
  • If you wish to appeal this decision, please contact the person listed below. 

Wright Elementary School District
Attn: Liz Lockett, Executive Assistant
4385 Price Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
(707) 542-0550 x114


  • Please note that your full application for an appeal must be received by the individual below within thirty (30) days from the date of this letter.
  • Attached for your reference is a copy of CA Education Code Section 46601 that further describes your right of appeal. WESD Board Meetings are generally held on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Public comment is at 5:00pm if you would like to address the Board regarding policies.
  • The appeal form must be requested, completed, signed and returned within thirty (30) days of the denial of your Request for Inter-district Attendance Permit.
  • Complete all sections of the form legibly. The reasons for requesting an Inter-district Transfer, the reasons listed on the appeal form should closely approximate those stated on the original request form. If the reasons have changed substantially, you will be requested to submit a new request allowing the district further consideration based upon your new reasons.
  • Submit your completed appeal form with a copy of your original Request for Inter-district Attendance Permit, and any supporting documents, you wish the Superintendent and local School Board to consider.
  • After you have filed your appeal, the Superintendent will contact you to discuss your appeal. If a hearing is necessary, the Superintendent will advise the Board and provide you with information regarding a hearing date and time within thirty (30) days of the appeal request. Please note that if the Inter-district is for the next school year the District is required to respond within fourteen (14) days after the start of the new school year, and you have made the request thirty (30) days or more prior to the start of that school year.
  • Attached is a copy of WESD Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5117: Inter-district Transfers. If a hearing is requested it will be conducted in open session at a regular board meeting. WESD Board Meeting Schedule
  • It is the intent of the Board to conduct Inter-district Attendance appeal hearings in a fair and sufficiently informal manner to encourage open communication and understanding of the system. The hearing will be conducted in such a manner that no special legal expertise is necessary and that all parties have the opportunity to present their cases fairly and completely.

Instructions for Enrollment in 7th or 8th Grade at Wright Charter School

Please note that CHARTER SCHOOLS do NOT require parents/guardians to fill out an Inter- or Intra-district Attendance Permit request.

  • Registration for Wright Charter School middle school will begin in January 
  • The Wright Charter School shall admit all pupils who wish to attend the school. However, if the number of pupils who wish to attend the charter school exceeds the school's capacity, attendance shall be determined by a public random drawing, as required by Education Code Section 47605(d)(2)(B), except for existing pupils of the charter school.
  • If a public random drawing is necessary, preference for admission in the lottery will be given in the following order:

1) Students residing in the prior attendance area of the Wright Charter School prior to the conversion;

2) All other District residents;

3) Students with siblings in the school (gr. 3-5);

4) Children of school employees (gr. 4-6);

5) Students who reside outside the District.

In the public random drawing, all names are drawn and listed in order, separately, for each grade level. Once the school capacity is met, the remaining students’ names will continue to be drawn randomly and placed in the order they are drawn on the waiting list. The vacancies after the first application period and public random drawing are filled with the students on the waiting list.

Lottery for 7th Grade will take place in March

Documents Required to Enroll Your Child in a WESD School

Parents/guardians need to bring the following three documents with them to register their child:

1) Child’s original birth certificate;

2) Child's immunization record; and

3) Two (2) forms of proof of residency.

Once the request is approved, it is good for a five-year period; however, the district has the right to rescind it due to poor attendance, tardiness, etc. WESD does not require renewal each year; however, after five years, parents must complete a new Inter-district Transfer form with the WESD district.