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School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)

School Accountability Report CardsSince November 1988, state law has required all public schools receiving state funding to prepare and distribute a SARC (School Accountability Report Card).  The purpose of the report card is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school.

State law requires that the SARC contains: demographic data; school safety and climate for learning information; academic data; school completion rates; class sizes; teacher and staff information; curriculum and instruction descriptions; postsecondary preparation information; and fiscal and expenditure data.

SARCs also contain reports concerning the "Adequate Yearly Progress" of students in achieving state academic achievement standards; Title 1 Program Improvement; graduation rates at the secondary level; and the extent to which "highly qualified" teachers are teaching core academic subjects.

In addition to online posting, SARCs are available at each school site in a printed format and are available in English and Spanish. A hard copy can be requested at the District Office or any of the school offices.

The SARCs are available on each school's website by clicking the links below:

J.X. Wilson Elementary School SARCs

Robert L. Stevens Elementary School SARCs

Wright Charter School SARCs